Welcome to our upcoming workshop

open-floor-logoIt is our intention in the Open Floor work to create a space where each of us is able to be as fully present as possible. If you have any special needs on the dance floor that you would like us to be aware of, please email or tell one of the teaching staff when you arrive. While we may not always be able to meet all of them to the letter, we want to know what you are dealing with and how best to support you. Please take a careful look through this page. If I’ve missed anything, please send me an email or call (408.829.7366) and ask. A few items to note as we head in to our weekend together: Arrival/Departure times: Our time together is very precious and we are requesting that you plan to arrive 20 minutes before each session to give you time to park, settle in and find yourself on the floor in time for the start of the warm-up. Music will be on each day at ten minutes before the posted start time. If you already know that you plan to arrive late on any day during the time we’re together, please let us know in advance. Parking: There is ample street parking around the hall with some restrictions during Friday and Saturday’s sessions. Please see the parking map for detailed instructions and read the parking signs carefully before leaving your car. If you haven’t sent a photo for the photo directory you could help us out tremendously by emailing a photo with a close, clear view of your face as soon as possible. For those who do not send a photo, we will try to find one on Facebook or take one when you check-in.  

Housing & Transportation

Housing: If you are looking for a local hotel, please refer to the hotel list. You might also be able to get a great hotel by naming your own price onĀ Priceline.com. If you are looking for someone to share a room at a hotel, a place to bunk locally or to carpool, please use the Facebook private page (see below). If you are not a part of the Facebook group and need assistance, email Claire directly and you’ll be connected with others as opportunities arise. Airport information: To get to Mountain View without renting a car from either San Francisco Int’l Airport (SFO) or San Jose (SJC), you can use Supershuttle. There’s also the option of public transportation. It’s a bit complicated and doable if you’re a confident traveler.

Ride & Room / House Sharing

In order to facilitate ride sharing and room sharing, I’ve created a “secret” Facebook page (Encounter Fundamental Mountain View 2016). This is a private group and cannot be accessed by anyone outside of the workshop group. This group will allow you to contact each other and offer/request rides, rooms in your homes, and hotel rooms to share prior to the start of the workshop. This page will remain in place for you to connect with each other when the workshop ends. If we are not friends on Facebook, please friend Claire Alexander if you would like to be included. Those who are on my list will added to the group and if you choose not to participate, please remove yourself. If you do not have a Facebook account or choose not to be in the Facebook group and you need assistance with housing and or rides, please feel free to email me and I will do my best to connect you as opportunities come along.


  • Water bottle with a secure top on it.
  • Something to keep you warm during the breaks
  • Journal & pen if you want to take notes
  • Zafus/pillows/backjacks
  • (If you’re local or traveling to us by car, please bring extras for those who are coming by plane.)
  • Any food you’ll need for that day’s session


For the breaks each day we will provide the following: Drinking water, hot water & tea Fresh fruit Sweet treat Trail mix If you need anything else to sustain you during the workshop, please bring it with you. We will take a short break on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, we will take an hour for lunch. There are many neighborhood restaurants within walking distance or you can bring your own lunch. There will be a refrigerator, plates, napkins and utensils for you to use.


Whenever we gather together to dance, we are bound to have folks in our group who are highly sensitive to fragrances, including essential oils and strong scented flowers. The consequences of these sensitivities are often symptoms like headache, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, foggy thinking as well as asthma and other allergic reactions. If you would please leave the perfumes, colognes and aftershaves at home and be mindful of your soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and scented fabric softeners, it would be greatly appreciated.

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